About Me

My photo
Durham, NC
After graduating from the University of Mobile in 1985 I started a career as an artist. My life consisted of Easel painting, Murals, Trompe l'oeil and faux finishes. I did this for 18 years until reaching a point of creatively burning out. I painted nothing of substance for almost 7 years. In January of 2010 things happened to open my eyes to the beauty around me and a deep desire to paint again. This blog will be dedicated to my new work. Paintings that are for me and my pleasure and the pleasure of others and not for a pay check. My hope is that this will help to keep the work fresh and of true vision.

Monday, September 13, 2010

"Little Shrimper"

About 10 years ago I was cruising the back roads north of Oriental NC and came across this this little boat mored at a dock next to a small bridge. It just seemed to represent so many things, peace, age,solitude, freedom, stubbornness, more things than I can count. Three times I put this drawing on a board, spent countless hours processing how I wanted to paint it but was never able to start the piece. One night last week I had a fitful sleep and woke up in the middle of the night totally knowing how to do it.

Well I finished it Sunday night and am ready for the next piece.
I will scour the nooks and carnies of downtown the rest of the week.

"Little Shrimper"
Acrylic on Board
10 X 18